Benin coach Reinhard Fabisch was approached by a gentleman before Benin's game against Mali on Wednesday, who asked if he could fix the match. Benin ulitmately lost the game 1-0 to a Fredi Kanoute penalty. Fabisch claims that he gave this chap pretty short shrift, telling him:
'Look, you have two minutes to leave the hotel or I will call the police'Remembering that the Ghanaian police's response time is under 24 hours, this chap promptly scarpered. No money was offered, but Fabisch explained that he assumed payment would be forthcoming if he agreed to fix the match. He went on to say that he was willing to furnish the authorities with the name and number of the gentleman in question.
'I think that African players are vulnerable to this kind of approach, because many of them don't have money.... This is why poor countries like Benin are targetedWhat makes this all the more amusing is Fabisch's moniker, which makes him sound like he could be Bruno's camp assistant on Funkyzeit mit Bruno. The brashness of the chap with the bundle of notes in this story is amazing, as I know from personal experience that it is very hard to bribe a German. Well, with money at least. Not with beer!