Liverpudlians are renowned for a slightly strange sense of humour, probably because of the crap weather and proximity to Ireland. It turns out that Liverpool signed a rather bizarre player last month and he goes by the name Baa-nitez. Bearing a striking resemblence to Rafa, the 2 meter long fiberglass half-lamb half-banana wears a fetching little beard, glasses and Liverpool scarf. Being a non-sentient superlambanana, Baa-nitez won’t be expected to score any goals, but has been bought by Benitez to raise funds for a Liverpool charity and has become a mascot of sorts for the club.
The original superlambanana was designed by some Japanese crackpot back in 1998 for an exhibition and has stood outside the Liverpool Tate Gallery ever since. Liverpool is the current European Capital of Culture and to celebrate this event, around 125 smaller superlambananas have sprung up around Merseyside, much to everyone’s amusement. Apparently, it is some sort of joke about cloning or GM foods or something. I don’t get it, but I think they’re amazing.
You can get your very own superlambanana here. Please follow this link to prove to yourself that we’re not insane.
20 August, 2008
Some Sort of Scouse Joke
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8:50 AM
Labels: I do a lot for charity but I dont like to talk about it, mascot of the week, superlambanana
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